*Three Women, Red Fingernails, Running, Cartoons & Watermelon*

September 13, 2014

Three Women

There are several women in this dream. A blond-haired girl different from the rest, another woman with full-figure with a party, positive attitude who is intimate with a man. There is a video store and two teenage girls slip two VHS in their side pocket and walk off with it from the store. Some women saw them doing, but said nothing. Then there is either Native American or A Mexican in front of someone. He has tattoos of sailboats on his face. Something happens to his face. Then some woman who I trust has pieces of this Gournal, of my Big Book originals.

September 20, 2014

Red Fingernails

There was this woman with red fingernail polish, sculpture, pointing her finger. This one guy kept on coming down and sitting on the bench, over and over. So they removed the bench, so that he wouldn’t come down to talk to them. I mention how I don’t stay long. There was this guy with gray hair who showed me a map, working underneath him. Gemini & Pisces don’t work well together. The woman lied about not calling me everyday when she did. I knew this was going to happen.

September 21, 2014


Saw some guy running, possible former landlord.

September 22, 2014


I was at some house. Some, child, boy showed me something. I mention cartoons.

October 2, 2014


I am standing in line with several students in front of me. I see a travel pillow at the check out stand. I look to see if I need anything and don’t. Some guy has empty suitcases, not Zebra. Watermelon.

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