*130, Circular, Teenage Girl, Past Life Relieved*

September 3, 2014


Someone brought this paper bill to a guy. He was on the internet at night. A dog is nipping at someone’s ankle. 130

September 4, 2014


I am outside and I hail a cab. Someone writes upside down on a shirt. “Some girl likes some boy.” There is a classroom and chairs are set in a circular direction. This one guy sees this one blond-haired girl. Several people are walking on a path in the desert. I am high up on a cliff and with the next step the scenery changes and is dangerous. I am afraid and do not proceed any further.

September 5, 2014

Teenage Girl

Some teenage girl is sitting down at some event, possible church. She sees this black lady sitting down in front of her and some other girl there tells her she has had a boyfriend for 2 years. Her friend next to her takes a picture of her. Some guy mentions about working on the building, something about 35 years.

September 6, 2014

Past Life Relieved

I was pleading with this guy with brown hair. I wanted someone to bring me somewhere. Oregon. River. I mentioned something about physical death. I wasn’t suppose to be there and they suppose to come to get me. They left me there and died. Then there is a room full of people’s stored items. I woke up on September 7, thinking, “jealousy.”

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